Replenishing Facial Oil - Unscented

Nourishing and pure facial oil
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We've sourced some incredibly high quality oils for these products to bring you the very best quality with the least possible amount of processing and interference between plant and product.
Superb cold pressed argan and jojoba oils are combined here with wheatgerm to give you the really powerful moisturising and vitamin boosting power that tired, overworked or stressed skin needs. This indulgent oil can be used night or day and we've kept this option totally free from essential oils so that those of us with incredibly sensitive skins can still have a super indulgent moisturising treat. It's been left unscented so that particularly sensitive souls can still get in on some of this hyper hydration.
Do remember that any skin that's exposed regularly benefits from deep moisturising and if you suffer with especially dry skin, it's always a good idea to use the same product on your neck and the back of your hands as you do your face, nod to the wise there.
(110g shipping weight)
Ingredients in descending order of proportion. Click an ingredient to find out more.
Product Testimonials Replenishing Facial Oil - Unscented
I am allergic to perfume and certain emulsifiers, this combination of oil absorbs beautifully into my maturing skin and is the most moisturised my skin has ever felt. Thank you Pure enuff stuff for saving my face literally!!
Tracey Morais
We couldn't be happier that you love it Tracey, thank you for the review. - The Pure Nuff Stuff Team
As essential oils irritate my skin, I was very happy to see this was scent free. Amazing oils.
rachel gwennap