Proper Nail Brush

Old fashioned nail brushes are the best.
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When you're done in the garden (or indeed just applied a tanning cream...) then you need a proper nail brush to scrub up with. Here's our tried and tested – and pretty – one. It's made from beech and sisal so it's hard working, will dry nicely, doesn't contain plastic of any description and will just keep doing it's job. Sisal bristles really are scrubby and will put up with so much wear, they're far harder working than any plastic out there, plus it looks beter and feels so much nicer to use.
Top tip from my Nan while we're talking about scrubbing, before you start a grubby job like gardening for example, scratch a bar of soap to embed a little under your nails. That way when you come to finish the job and clean your nails, the brush picks up the soap behind the grime and removes the dirt much more quickly and easily. Clever Nana.
43g shipping weight.