Organic Cotton Produce Bags - set of three

Organic Cotton Produce Bags - set of three

Organic Cotton Produce Bags - set of three


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  • Description

    Practical, hard wearing organic cotton produce bags that stop you reaching for the single use plastic bags when buying your fruit and vegetables. Most of us are used to bringing our shopping bags out with us now, but the amount of single use plastic in the average family shopping cart is still staggering. And there's no need, most produce is available to buy loose so if you've got your bags, this is yet another bit of plastic you can stop being responsible for. There's three in this set, one big enough for all the spuds or apples you could possibly need at 43cm x 27cm, the middling one is still a very generous 32cm x 27cm and the smallest one is 19cmx27cm.


    As well as being super useful for produce, they're also just really handy. They're great in school bags to hold gym kit, as travel bags and in suitcases to keep small items or pairs of shoes together. They're also great as washing bags, for holding delicate items together in the machine so you can just whip them out and save them from the dryer.


    These were £6.00 for a set of three now just £3.00.

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