Natural Ramie Fibre Body Scrunchie

Gently exfoliating bath accessory.
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A gorgeous body scrubbie scrunchie thing made of sustainable ramie fibre rather than the usual nylon. It makes your soap or Squeaky Clean Gel go for miles and gives gentle exfoliation into the bargain. Hang it up on the useful loop to dry between uses and pop into the machine every now and again to give it a thorough clean. I've had mine for more than 5 years now (I know!) and it still comes up clean and looks great, this product is here for the long haul.
(Shipping weight 60g)
Product Testimonials Natural Ramie Fibre Body Scrunchie
Bought this as a natural alternative to a plastic body puff. Have tried to use it several times but once wet it just all clumps together and is very difficult to get the shower gel to foam in anyway.
James Foxley
Hi there James, I'm really sorry you didn't get on with the Scrunchie but I can honestly say this is the first time I've ever had this sort of comment in nearly 10 years of stocking items like this. Squeezing the Scrunchie normally activates any sort of shower gel very well indeed and I'm baffled that this didn't work out for you. That said, had you let me know you were struggling I'd have tried to come to some sort of resolution with you, I hope you find something that suits you better. - The Pure Nuff Stuff Team