Grapefruit essential oil

Good for neutralising odours
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So familiar it almost needs no introduction, this fresh citrus scent is a spectacular niff-buster (use a few drops on pet bedding, for example) and is wonderful as an air freshener either on its own or with other citrussy friends. Try mixing it with bergamot or Litsea Cubeba (may chang) for a particularly special blend.
Adding a few drops of grapefruit essential oil to your homemade cleaners makes a nice change from the vinegar smell. And a few drops in the fabric conditioner slot of your washing machine will give a fresh scent to your clothes.
At the bottom of this page, we have included three oils that go well with this.
10ml (from Israel)
(Shipping weight 50g)
Ingredients in descending order of proportion. Click an ingredient to find out more.