Ginger essential oil

Warming essential oil, great for muscle ache.
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Familiar, warming and almost edible, this oil is a good one to add a spicy edge to your own blend. It has a historical use aromatherapeutically not limited to a treatment for muscular aches and pains. Blend with black pepper for an effective post-exercise muscle rub (add a drop of lemon to sweeten it, perhaps).
As a safe guide, use no more than eight drops in a bath for a soothing soak, two or three drops in a foot spa (or a washing up bowl for the old fashioned among us...) and no more than four drops per 100ml of base or carrier oil.
At the bottom of this page, we have included three oils that go well with this.
10ml (from China)
(Shipping weight 50g)
Ingredients in descending order of proportion. Click an ingredient to find out more.