Artisan Soap Collection - Bergamot & Lime

Artisan Soap Collection - Bergamot & Lime

A small batch of artisan soap

Artisan Soap Collection - Bergamot & Lime


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  • Description

    A delicious handmade soap with citrussy essential oils and French clay to add creaminess to the lather. Bergamot is one of those scents that's got a lot of layers, it's a citrus fruit so the blend with lime was an easy leap to make but bergamot itself has got a woody edge that just makes it so very versatile. It's equally appealing to both genders because the scent is fresh and just familiar enough and the clay in here makes the lather very dense and creamy, just the way a good bath bar should be. And it's not in the name, but there's also a bit of lavender in here, that helps to boost the scent but it also softens the edges of both of the citrus elements with a very gentle, almost imperceptable floral element. Each bar looks quite different due to the way the clay is swirled in during making, but they're all equally fresh and will leave your skin soft and clean.

  • Ingredients

    Ingredients in descending order of proportion. Click an ingredient to find out more.

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